What am I doing here? This is the question I kept asking myself as I sat in the dark, cold McLaren Complex room watching a slideshow presentation by Ruby from Wise Fools Community Arts, a "non-profit organization which uses art and theatre as vehicles for community building, self-determintation, social and political change."
According to their website, the organization was officially birthed in the Spring of 1990 and became recognized as a non-profit organization in July of 1993. Wise Fools "combines giant puppetry, mask, stiltdancing, wild costumes, eclectic sculpture, music, movement, fire and song to create highly participatory, issue-oriented, outdoor theatre..."

Amidst the history of puppetry and the constant shuffle back and forth of an unprepared slideshow, I couldn't help but think I got duped. The flyer I received about the presentation had colorful pictures of the different puppets that the organization used to make people aware of social and political injustices. It would have been interesting to see, in person, some of the puppets (or even a performance of some kind), not just look at pictures. I think the organization's use of art to bring people together and make a change in society is great. But the presentation left much to be desired.
I would definitely attend another presentation by Wise Fools, because they deserve another chance to showcase the vibrant organization they really are. Just as long as they bring the stilts, wild costumes, and do some dancing. And they promise to bring on the puppets!

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Greaat reading your blog post
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