The interesting point in terms of the burgeoning field of digital journalism is that Lott's comments were not picked up by the mainstream media. It was the blogosphere that truly kept the story alive when the mainstream media ignored it.
But more than bloggers, e-mail conversations may have played a huge role in ousting Lott. Blogger Mickey Kaus points especially to Democratic strategist and former Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal, who sent out a mass e-mail that reached the offices of the influential online daily, Slate. Slate editor Jacob Weisberg then forwarded the e-mail to blogger Tim Noah, who went on to write a number of blogs on the subject. In this way, it was e-mail, an older form of digital communication than the blog, that led directly to Lott's downfall.
Unlike blogs, e-mails do not typically become public. Short of a willing sender or recipient, a court order or an enterprising hacker, this form of communication will always remain in the shadows. When these e-mails contain information important to the public, however, it may only be a matter of time before they land in the inboxes of individuals willing to post the information for all to see. The days of the corporate media burying a story may be numbered.
man, trent lott is old
how old is he?
SO OLD that he ran for president as a Dixiecrat!
funny, because its true.
I love that now we can keep up with what politicians say and do. Now I feel like we may be able to have some genuine politicians since everything is out in the open and the public has some control.
interesting read. I agree with christna, it's only the beginning.
Actually it was Strom Thurmond, not Trent Lott, who ran as a Dixiecrat. Otherwise, yes, very funny. It would be even funnier if it weren't so sick and evil.
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