Yansen Setiawan, was the other pedestrian who was hit by an SUV on Thursday, March 1st at the University of San Francisco (to my knowledge news stories have not yet identified Setiawan). Setiawan works as a private contractor for The Warehouse Sale and was passing out fliers around campus on the day of the accident. In an email exchange, Kenneth Atman, a colleague of Setiawan, said, "he is a very hard worker and we are lucky to have him on our team." "He has a very positive attitude towards this whole situation, he was even joking and smiling when I visited him a couple of days ago," said Atman. Currently, Setiawan is at SF General Hospital and should be released within a week. "He had some surgery done on Friday for a dislocated hip and some broken bones," said Atman. "The doctor said he should be able to walk again in about a month."
wow, that setiawan should be released by friday is the best news i've heard in a while.
a) where did you get this news? can you include a hyperlink to the news source?
b) where did you get the kenneth atman quote?
for the future, i suggest something like:
In an email exchange, Kenneth Atman, a colleague of Setiawan, said, "He is a very hard worker ..."
that way, readers will know that atman's quote came from you.
excellent, excellent work.
I got this information from Kenneth Atman, and used no other news sources. When I discovered that Setiawan was working for thewarehousesale.com I went to the website and sent an email asking for their employee's name, condition, and caracter who was involved in the accident. Atman was happy to talk about Setiawan and how he is doing.
wow! what a scoop! good investigative skills!
pretty impressive that you're the one to come up with this information
Well done, Carly. What made you think to e-mail the company?
nice carly! its amazing you got to this before the "news" did
thanks everyone. After reading many of the news reports of the accident I became continually annoyed that we did not know who the "other pedestrian" was. My curiosity growing, and my desire to know all the facts, I decided to at least make an effort to find out who the other pedestrian was. I knew the company he worked for and proceeded to construct a simple email asking about their coworker. Luckily, I was able to get a hold of a coworker and my questions were answered.
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